Reliable Support Through Life’s Transitions

UW-Madison professor Dr. Angela Byars-Winston leans on UW Credit Union for financial support and resources

UW-Madison Professor and UW Credit Union member Angela Byars-Winston

As a new hire to UW-Madison in 1997, I knew I wanted to keep my new life simple. After my first day on campus, I went right to UW Credit Union to open up a checking account.

They had great locations and accessibility even before the plethora of ATMs that I see now. More than 25 years later, I’ve been through two home purchases, four or five car purchases, a HELOC loan, and a money market account with UW Credit Union.

The first home that I purchased was with my former spouse. We were both first-time homebuyers and wanted to start shopping for a home before we got married. We both had steady, government jobs — I’m a PhD professor and my former spouse was pursuing promotion to lieutenant in the fire department.

We worked with a couple different credit unions on a preapproval. UW Credit Union was a standout among those experiences.

At UW Credit Union, I felt celebrated. I felt seen. I felt welcome. And they gave us $20,000 more to work with than any other financial institution. After that experience, everything I've ever done that requires financing, I go through UW Credit Union.

When I bought my second home on my own, I worked with the same mortgage officer and he was such a wonderful emotional support person. That’s important because these life transitions — like buying a home — are big deals.

Everybody I've come in contact with, whether it's at a branch or in the offices of mortgage lending or financial services, I perceive and believe to be culturally responsive. I encourage more people — especially people of color — to use credit unions over banks.

As a member owned financial institution, there are so many financial resources available to benefit members. Use them!

My advice is to invest early in yourself and take advantage of the financial services available to you. Even as a college student, try to commit $25.00 a month to take advantage of the UW Credit Union’s financial services. Think about your future like the future is now.

UW Credit Union is able to offer members like Angela great rates and competitive mortgage offers because we are a strong, stable financial institution with 90-plus years working for the good of our communities.

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