Private Student Loans

Student Loans for Every Situation

Undergraduate Student Loans

Private student loans to help you pay for college. Learn More

Graduate Student Loans

Private student loans made with a larger limit for graduate students. Learn More

Family Student Loans

Loans designed to help parents pay for their student's education. Learn More

Federal Student Loan Payments Resumed.

You probably have questions on what you need to do and what options you have to keep your payments manageable and your life on track. Check out our repayment guide for answers.

Cut the Stress Out of Paying for College or Grad School

If grants, scholarships, and federal student loans don't cover all your college expenses, you can fill that funding gap with a private student loan from UW Credit Union!

Every year, we help thousands of students further their education and achieve their dreams with:

  • Competitive, affordable rates. We work hard to deliver fair, easy-to-repay loan options for our members—especially those furthering their education.
  • The right amount of funding for every situation. We'll help you get the money you need, and we'll never pressure you to over-borrow.
  • Expert service from a local lender. After you apply, we'll help get you into a fair, affordable loan that meets all your borrowing needs.
  • Freedom from hidden fees. With UW Credit Union, you'll get more peace of mind knowing that we'll never charge you any hidden fees.
  • A simple loan process. From application to funding, we'll make sure every step of the process is easy and stress-free.

Note: UW Credit Union does not currently offer student loans for career training programs including most short-term certificates, diplomas or other programs ineligible for financial aid. Your school needs to certify eligibility. Please contact us for further information if needed.

Support During College & Beyond

UW Credit Union was founded on a college campus in 1931, and we've been helping students build their financial futures with top-rated services and expert resources ever since.

Tips & Tools

Explore our helpful Financial Guide as well as find useful tips and tools to make the college years a success for:

Enjoy the Benefits of Membership

When you choose UW Credit Union for your private student loan, you become a member. Your membership gives you access to better rates and fewer fees than you'll find elsewhere, plus a range of valuable discounts and services like free financial seminars and budget help.

Learn More

Get in Touch

Understanding your loan shouldn't feel like studying for a thermodynamics final. That's why our local experts help simplify your options, so you can focus your studies on the future.

Phone Number

(800) 533-6773- ext. 2950

Already started an application? Pick up where you left off.

Need to cosign a loan? Apply now.