Compare Student Loans

Learn more about our student loan options to find the right solution for your educational goals.

Undergraduate Student Loan

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Graduate Student Loan

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Family Student Loan

Loan Details

At a Glance

Fixed- or variable-rate private student loan that a student uses to pay for college.

Fixed- or variable-rate private student loan that a student uses to pay for grad school.

Fixed- or variable-rate private student loan that a parent uses to pay for a student's education.

Best If...

You are an undergraduate student and need funding in addition to grants, scholarships and federal loans.

You are a graduate student and need funding in addition to grants, scholarships and federal loans.

You are a parent or other family member who wants to help pay for your student's college expenses.


15 years

15 years

5, 10, or 15 years

Maximum Loan Amount

$15,000 per school year;
$50,000 total

$20,000 per school year;
$75,000 total

$15,000 per school year





Payment Deferrals

Up to 5 years

Up to 5 years


Annual Fee




Prepayment Penalties




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Easy Student Loan Process

Our online student loan application is simple. See how it works and what to expect for timing.

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View Eligible U.S. Schools

Attend a 4-year public or private non-profit college, including UW schools and Madison College.

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Refinance Student Loans

Already have student loans? Learn about refinancing to simplify your budget and pay off loans faster.

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