Student Loan Repayment Support

Are you feeling overwhelmed or unsure about how to manage the repayment process? We can help!

To Do Now

There are a few things that you need to do right away to make sure that you're getting those loan payments started on time.

  • 1 Understanding your student loans
    Do you have federal student loans, private student loans, or a mix of both? Who is your loan servicer(s)? What are the rates and terms of each of your loans?
  • 2 Make sure your contact information is up to date
    Log into your federal student loan account at and verify your contact information to make sure you are getting any news about your student loans.
  • 3 Know the status of each of your loans
    Are your loans deferred or in a grace period (payments are not required)? Are your loans in repayment, where payments are expected? Or is there a special condition with your loan(s) at this time?

Going Forward 

After you've taken care of the basics, it's time to review your financial situation and make a plan for the future.

Research your options.

Look into more favorable interest rates by refinancing or consolidating your existing loans. Plus, having only one payment helps you stay on track and avoid missed payments and late fees.

Loan Options

Evaluate your budget.

Now that you're paying on your student loans again, look at your budget and adjust where necessary to make room for these new payments. UWCU can help with credit consultations to plan for your future.

Credit Consultations

Stay informed. is your one-stop-shop for news and resources on federal student loans.

Federal Aid Info

Frequently Asked Questions

Get in Touch

Understanding your loan shouldn't feel like studying for a thermodynamics final. That's why our local experts help simplify your options, so you can focus your studies on the future.

Phone Number

(800) 533-6773- ext. 2950

Already started an application? Pick up where you left off.

Need to cosign a loan? Apply now.