Financial Safe Space

In a relationship that began with an unexpected lower interest rate, Jasmine quickly felt supported at UW Credit Union 

Jasmine member story | UW Credit Union

It was 2006. I was buying a car. I was a member of a credit union through my job, so I had already been pre-approved for a loan when I went to the car dealership. The sales associate mentioned they had relationships with different financial institutions, and they were going to run my numbers to see if they could get me a better interest rate.

I thought, “Well, that's not gonna happen because these people don't know me, and I have a relationship with my current credit union.”

Sure enough, he ran the numbers and UW Credit Union came back with a lower interest rate!

Since then, my experiences at UW Credit Union have enhanced the credit union experience for me. For example, I'm keenly aware of marketing — how different organizations market and who they market to, who's their customer. I was so impressed with the diversity of UW Credit Union’s marketing. I even sent them an email to let them know.

They’re also extremely welcoming. No matter if I'm in the building, going through the drive up, or on the phone — I'm always treated with the same level of extraordinary customer service. The staff are patient; I never feel rushed.

As a program coordinator at Operation Fresh Start, I’ve had the opportunity to work with UW Credit Union on a professional level as well. Our mission at Operation Fresh Start is to “empower emerging adults on a path to self-sufficiency through education, mentoring, and employment training” so it’s a priority that our young people have positive experiences with our community, and they feel comfortable connecting with community folks.

I was so excited when I found out UW Credit Union wanted to do a financial literacy program with our Operation Fresh Start participants. Through the program, our young people learn valuable information and build a relationship with a financial institution and the financial educators who come to speak. If participants ever have questions, they can get answers from people they know.

It’s important to have a mentor who teaches us about money in a manner in which we feel comfortable, and to have a space where we are comfortable putting our money. If I walk into a space where my money is and people don't acknowledge me — why would I keep my money there?

UW Credit Union is a safe space for me. I'm not a financial genius, but I love the fact that I've been made to feel comfortable enough go in and just have a conversation and ask questions about financial matters. The website is amazing, but I encourage folks to go a step further and have a conversation with somebody, whether it's on the phone or in person.

I always tell my young people at Operation Fresh Start, UW Credit Union is the perfect place to start financially. The funny thing is, even though I say “start,” I know they’re never going to “finish.”

Let UW Credit Union be the first place you go to learn what you need to start an account. Because of the way you're treated there, you're not going to go anywhere else.

Because of our strong financial foundation, UW Credit Union can support organizations like Operation Fresh Start that align with our social mission of improving the financial well-being of people. Since 1931, UW Credit Union has been a trusted institution committed to serving members and the communities where they live.

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